Algebraic coherent sheaf

18.3 Quasi-coherent sheaves (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry)

20.2 Properties of sheaf cohomology (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry)

20.1 Sheaf cohomology (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry)

Programa de Doutorado: Hodge Theory - Class 15 - Algebraic Coherent Sheaves

Schemes 31: Coherent sheaves

Functoriality in Sheaves of Modules and Quasi-Coherent/Coherent Sheaves

Schemes 34: Coherent sheaves on projective space

Coherent sheaves on projective varieties

Tensor products and sheaf Hom of coherent sheaves

Coherent sheaves on the projective line

Quasi-coherent sheaves, video 1

Projective Variety Structure Sheaf

Ideal Sheaf

Classification of coherent sheaves on the projective line

Schemes 27: Quasicoherent sheaves

19.1 Ideal sheaves and pull-backs (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry)

Matei Toma: Boundedness for sets of coherent analytic sheaves

Stalks of coherent sheaves on quasi-projective varieties

Cohomology of coherent sheaves on projective curves

Sheaves of Modules

Coherent sheaves, Chern character, and RRG

18.1 Sheaves of modules (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry)

Jarod Alper (Oct. 23, 2020): Coherent completeness and the local structure of algebraic stacks

Lecture 1.2: D-modules and quasi-coherent sheaves on prestacks (N. Rozenblyum)